Since version 1.2.0, laravel-bitcoinrpc allows you to use multiple configurations to connect to different bitcoin or even altcoin daemons.

You’ll need to define parameters for each of your connections in ./config/bitcoind.php (see example)


return [
        // Bitcoin Core
        'default' => [
            'scheme'   => 'http',
            'host'     => 'localhost',
            'port'     => 8332,
            'user'     => '(rpcuser from bitcoin.conf)',     // required
            'password' => '(rpcpassword from bitcoin.conf)', // required
            'ca'       => null,
            'timeout'  => false,
            'zeromq'   => null,

        // Litecoin Core
        'litecoin' => [
            'scheme'   => 'http',
            'host'     => 'localhost',
            'port'     => 9332,
            'user'     => '(rpcuser from litecoin.conf)',     // required
            'password' => '(rpcpassword from litecoin.conf)', // required
            'ca'       => null,
            'timeout'  => false,
            'zeromq'   => null,

Then, you can call specific configuration by passing it’s name to client() method through any means described in Making Requests section.

$blockhash = bitcoind()
