ZeroMQ support is available since version 1.2.5 via denpa/laravel-zeromq package.

Installing ZeroMQ support package

You’ll need to install laravel-zeromq package by running composer

composer require denpa/laravel-zeromq "^1.0"

or manually add following lines to the composer.json

"require": {
    "denpa/laravel-zeromq": "^1.0"

Bitcoin Core Configuration

Your Bitcoin Core must be compiled with libzmq (many distributions compile bitcoind with libzmq by default)

In order to check this, run

(bitcoind -h | grep -q zmq) && echo "ZeroMQ support available"`

If you get “ZeroMQ support available”, then you can use ZeroMQ, otherwise please build Bitcoin Core with zmq support yourself.

Once have Bitcoin Core with ZeroMQ support, set the following options in bitcoind.conf (host and port can be different):


Package Configuration

Set zeromq key for your connection in config/bitcoind.php:

'default' => [
    'zeromq' => [
        'host' => '',
        'port' => 28332,

Subscribing to topics

You can subscribe to ZeroMQ topics using on($topic, callable $callback) method as illustrated in example below.

bitcoind()->on('hashblock', function ($blockhash, $sequence) {
    // $blockhash var now contains block hash
    // of newest block broadcasted by daemon
    $block = bitcoind()->getBlock($blockhash);

        "New block %u found. Contains %u transactions.\n",

List of available topics:

  • hashblock - broadcasts hash of each new block being added to the blockchain.
  • hashtx - broadcasts hash of transaction being added to node’s mempool.
  • rawblock - broadcasts new block being added to the blockchain as raw hex string.
  • rawtx - broadcasts transaction being added to node’s mempool as raw hex string.

For more information about ZeroMQ and it’s usage, visit Bitcoin Core Documentation.
